After Sun Cream -Peppermint 100 ml

After Sun Cream -Peppermint 100 ml
A smooth blend of virgin coconut oil, Aloe Vera and other essential oils for added antiseptic, fragrance and shelf life. Individually they are renowned for their health benefits - together they bring natural healthy products to your body. The water & oil properties of Cocovera creams provide deep moisturising effects while allowing the cream to soak in quickly and not leave your skin feeling oily. Cocovera After Sun Cream is exactly that - apply after sun exposure to sooth and repair your skin quickly. It also smells great!
Cream is made from all natural ingredients, therefore may require shaking before use. Rub into skin and allow 30 seconds to dry. Coconut oil solidifies at temperatures <24℃. If your product separates, warm in hot water and shake well to remix the natural ingredients. This will not affect the cream's beneficial properties. Once the cream has separated, it requires regular shaking before use. It's because it's natural!
Aloe vera, Virgin coconut oil, Phenoxyethanol, Polysorbate, Sodium benzoate, Peppermint oil, Eucalyptus oil, Tea tree oil.
For orders over 5kg, please contact our friendly team at Cocovera for a quote.